Monday, December 16, 2013

Another Reminder

Another year slides by, as i sit in a restaurant that ive sat in for 55 years, looking out at the view,, of the golf course at the galt view,,and run through my mind of what has been,a coffee with Peter Graham, this morning, and a reminder from Bill Kimmel, that lunch with the Preston Boys is on thursday,, the preston boys are 30 or 40 boys that have been hanging out for 60 or more years,, some of what life is,,as well the intimate things we know of each other and have shared. Through are lives,break away from that and magnify this into another couple dozen situations,,key west,, new york,, the family the kids grandkids ,brothers and sister,,the loves, the heart breaks, and the growing that come from each,, when ithink of each and everyone of these and more of what life gives me,, i sit today as usual in awe and wonder,, and thank God,, for all ive been given,to be able at 70 to be in a position to think that i need to make some decisions to what and where life is going to take me,, torn,, can,t  or don,t want to be separated from any aspects of any of it,, then italy,, really need to make a trip back ,, but,, lfe,, it really is very short,, and we really do have so much,, and take such a tiny bit of time to smell the roses,, and speaking of roses,, mother Rose And father Joseph ,,that it another Reminder

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